PRECAUTIONARY BOIL WATER NOTICE - Wichers Rd, Lemon St, Fire Ln, 33010-33200 CR-52
July 12, 2024
To water customers located at:
11851 Wichers Rd.
11951 Wichers Rd.
11955 Wichers Rd.
12117 N Wichers Rd.
12117 S Wichers Rd.
12138 Wichers Rd.
12133 Lemon St.
12148 Lemon St.
12204 Lemon St.
12216 Lemon St.
12263 Lemon St.
12143 Fire Ln.
12144 Fire Ln.
12200 Fire Ln.
33010 CR-52
33024 CR-52
33030 CR-52
33067 CR-52
33075 CR-52
33138 CR-52
33200 CR-52
The City of San Antonio will be connecting a new water line on Wednesday, July 17th. Water will be shut off at approximately 6:00 PM for a period of time. Staff and contractors will work as quickly as possible to restore water. Once pressure is restored, a precautionary boil water notice is required for the addresses listed above.
We advise that all water used for drinking, cooking, making ice, brushing teeth, or washing dishes be boiled. A rolling boil of one minute would be sufficient. Bottled water may be used as an alternative.
The Precautionary Boil Water Notice remains in effect until the water lines has been connected and water testing has been conducted for two days. Once the testing confirms that the water is safe to drink, the City will rescind the Precautionary Boil Water Notice and notify affected water customers.
Affected customers will be notified via a delivered copy. Notification will also be posted on the City website at:
If you have any questions, you may contact the undersigned at (352) 279-0489, or City Hall at (352) 588-2127.
Adam Ray
Public Works Director
City of San Antonio