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Gardening 365 Master Gardener Plant Sale -- Saturday, October 7, 2017

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Thanks to everyone who came out. This was a great event. Please email Rick Alley and tell us what we can do better for next year.



Gardening 365 Plant Sale San Antonio, FL Saturday, October 7, 2017 9:00 AM- 3:00 PM Admission and parking are free

Master Gardeners are trained volunteers that work with the UF/IFAS Extension Offices to educate the public on horticulture, Florida Friendly Landscaping, and water quality issues.

Pasco Master Gardeners present Gardening 365 on October 7 starting at 9:00 AM in San Antonio City Park. Admission and parking are free. The event includes plant sales of veggies, herbs, native plants, fruit trees, shrubs, unique garden art, and so much more. There are activities for the kids and crafts as well as a pumpkin patch.

Also, we will be offering seminars on hydroponics, rain barrels, cooking with herbs, container veggie gardening, and we'll have a butterfly release following an informational talk and a silent auction with some wonderful items.EndFragment

Watch the ABC-Action News video here.


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