Old Pasco Road/Ossie Murphy Road Route Study ~~Public Workshop to be held July 11, 2017~~
WHAT: Old Pasco Rd./Ossie Murphy Rd. Route Study Workshop WHERE: Saint Anthony of Padua Catholic Church Parish Center 12110 Main Street San Antonio, FL WHEN: Tuesday, July 11, 2017 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Pasco County Engineering Services is hosting a public workshop for anyone interested in learning more about the future extension of Old Pasco Road/Ossie Murphy Road. The workshop is being held to gather public comments, answer questions and address concerns about the new road that will extend north of SR 52 to east of the I-75 bridge underpass. Click here to see a map of the Route Study and Pond Siting Analysis area: http://bit.ly/2uvakEv. The future four-lane roadway, with bicycle and pedestrian amenities, will also include an alignment for a 12-foot bicycle/pedestrian trail that will become part of the future Orange Belt Bicycle/Pedestrian Trail. Representatives from Pasco County and the consulting team will be available during the workshop to answer questions and discuss the project informally. Aerial maps and graphics will be on display for public viewing. To learn more about Pasco County Engineering Services, click here: http://bit.ly/2rKgqmi. Contact: Kevin Sumner Pasco County Engineering Office: 727.834.3604 ksumner@pascocountyfl.net FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 6, 2017