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Notice is hereby given that the City of San Antonio desires to enter into an exclusive franchise agreement to a qualified and experienced Solid Waste Collection and Transportation Contractor. Under the franchise agreement, the contractor will receive license and privilege to collect, haul and recycle or dispose of Municipal Solid Waste and Recyclable Materials from Residential and Commercial Units within the City's corporate limits. Contractors will provide the vehicles, materials, tools, equipment, labor, and supervision to safely perform the specified services.


Proposals are requested for a five (5) year contract term, with a possibility of additional five (5), one (1) year terms, upon mutual agreement for extension, potentially totaling a maximum of ten (10) years combined.


An original and two (2) copies (collated in sets) and one (1) USB drive or optical disc containing the proposal in PDF/A format of the bid form and all required bid submittal data including any bidder-generated specifications, drawings, etc., shall be enclosed within a sealed envelope with the words, “SEALED BID NO. 03-2024: RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL SOLID WASTE, YARD WASTE, TRANSPORTATION AND DISPOSAL SERVICES” and the Bidder’s name and address clearly shown on the outside thereof.


Mailed bids must be received in the office of the Clerk not later than the time set forth for bid opening. The City will not be responsible for any lost or late arriving bids sent via U.S. Postal Service or any other delivery service.


The City at its sole discretion reserves the right to waive technicalities or irregularities, to reject any or all bids, and/or to accept that bid which is in the best interest of the City.


Anyone requiring reasonable accommodation as provided for in the Americans with Disabilities Act or Section 286.26 Florida Statutes should contact the City Clerk 352-588-2127.


Bid Documents may be requested at City Hall by contacting the City of San Antonio City Clerk, Marissa N. Morales, at 352-588-2127 or Bid Documents are required for bid submittal.


Sealed Bids will be received by the undersigned at City Hall, 32819 Pennsylvania Ave, San Antonio, FL 33576, until 4:00 PM on MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2024. Bids will be publicly opened and read at the above address at 6:30 PM on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2024.


A non-mandatory pre-bid site visit may be scheduled before MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2024 by contacting the City Clerk. Written questions may be submitted to the City for possible response until the close of business MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2024.


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Contact Us

City of San Antonio

P.O. Box 75 

32819 Pennsylvania Ave.

San Antonio, FL 33576


Phone: 352-588-2127


Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Regular meeting: 6:30 p.m., 
the third Tuesday of every month


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