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Commission Meeting - August 18 at 7:30 PM

The City Commission will hold a meeting on Tuesday, August 18th at 7:30 PM. In an effort to continue social distancing practices, this meeting will be conducted through Zoom.

We are encouraging residents to join the meeting and participate as they would during a normal meeting held in City Hall.

We are also accepting public comments via email. Please submit your comment, including your name and address, to . Comments will be read by the City Clerk during the meeting and may be addressed by the Commission. Comments will be accepted until 4:30 PM on Tuesday, August 18th, 2020.


DIAL IN #: 301-715-8592

Meeting ID: 848 0447 2149

San Antonio city hall building
  1. Roll Call:

  2. Approval of Consent Agenda: July 21st Commission Meeting minutes; General Fund and Water Fund disbursements for July 2020

  3. Public Comment:

  4. Mayor’s Report:

  5. COVID-19 Update

  6. Tree Trimming

  7. Attorney’s Report:

  8. Commissioner Reports:

  9. Building and Zoning, Commissioner Vogel

  10. Ordinance 02-2020: Carmela PUD (1st Reading/Public Hearing)

  11. Ordinance 03-2020: San Antonio Citizens Federal Credit Union PUD (2nd Reading/Public Hearing)

  12. Ordinance 04-2020: Darby Land Trust Future Land Use (1st Reading)

  13. Parks and Recreation, Commissioner Bassinger

  14. Junktember Fest in City Park

  15. Depot & BBQ Pit Trees

  16. City Park Fencing & Electrical

  17. Streets, Commissioner Schrader

  18. Curley Sidewalk Repair

  19. Waterworks, Commissioner Markley

  20. Clerk’s Report:

  21. Curley Street Water Lines

  22. Unfinished Business:

  23. Pompanic Easement and ROW

  24. New Business:

  25. Additional Commissioner Comments:

  26. Announcements:

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Contact Us

City of San Antonio

P.O. Box 75 

32819 Pennsylvania Ave.

San Antonio, FL 33576


Phone: 352-588-2127


Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Regular meeting: 6:30 p.m., 
the third Tuesday of every month


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