Commission Meeting - February 16 at 7:30 PM
Commission Meetings have resumed with in person attendance at City Hall. Those attending the meeting will be required to wear a mask while in City Hall. Seating may be limited due to social distancing requirements. We are encouraging residents to continue participating in commission meetings via Zoom. Information on how to join the meeting is included below.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 848 0447 2149
Dial by your location
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)
Approval of Consent Agenda:
Public Comment:
Mayor's Report:
COVID-19 Update
Attorney's Report:
Commissioner Reports
Building and Zoning, Commissioner Vogel:
Planning Commission
Parks and Recreation, Commissioner Bassinger:
Streets, Commissioner Schrader:
Curley Street Sidewalk
Waterworks, Commissioner Markley:
Late Fees
Curley Street Water Main Relocation Update
Clerk's Report:
Candidate Qualifying
Unfinished Business:
Ordinance 01-2021: Golf Carts
Food Trucks
Pompanic Street Improvements
Gran Fondo
Carmela Subdivision
New Business:
Black History Month Proclamation
Ordinance 02-2021: Transportation Impact Fees
Additional Commissioner Comments:
