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Commission Meeting - July 21 at 7:30 PM

The City Commission will hold a meeting on Tuesday, July 21st at 7:30 PM. In an effort to continue social distancing practices, this meeting will be conducted through Zoom.

We are encouraging residents to join the meeting and participate as they would during a normal meeting held in City Hall.

We are also accepting public comments via email. Please submit your comment, including your name and address, to . Comments will be read by the City Clerk during the meeting and may be addressed by the Commission. Comments will be accepted until 4:30 PM on Tuesday, July 21st, 2020.

DIAL IN #:312-626-6799

MEETING ID: 848 0447 2149

  1. Roll Call:

  2. Approval of Consent Agenda: June 16th Commission Meeting minutes; General Fund and Water Fund disbursements for June 2020

  3. Public Comment:

  4. Mayor’s Report:

  5. Resolution 05-2020: Rescheduling September 2020 Meeting

  6. MAP Meeting

  7. Attorney’s Report:

  8. Commissioner Reports:

  9. Building and Zoning, Commissioner Markley

  10. Carmela PUD

  11. Darby Land Use

  12. Parks and Recreation, Commissioner Bassinger

  13. Gardening 365

  14. Streets, Commissioner Schrader

  15. Waterworks, Commissioner Stallworth

  16. Clerk’s Report:

  17. Curley Street Water Lines

  18. Unfinished Business:

  19. Laurel Court Drainage

  20. New Business:

  21. Organizational Meeting

  22. Ordinance 03-2020: San Antonio Citizens Federal Credit Union PUD (1st Reading)

  23. Additional Commissioner Comments:

  24. Announcements: Blood Drive – Thursday, 7/23

San Antonio City Hall building with American flag flying in front, water tower in background

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Contact Us

City of San Antonio

P.O. Box 75 

32819 Pennsylvania Ave.

San Antonio, FL 33576


Phone: 352-588-2127


Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Regular meeting: 6:30 p.m., 
the third Tuesday of every month


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