Commission Meeting - July 21 at 7:30 PM
The City Commission will hold a meeting on Tuesday, July 21st at 7:30 PM. In an effort to continue social distancing practices, this meeting will be conducted through Zoom.
We are encouraging residents to join the meeting and participate as they would during a normal meeting held in City Hall.
We are also accepting public comments via email. Please submit your comment, including your name and address, to . Comments will be read by the City Clerk during the meeting and may be addressed by the Commission. Comments will be accepted until 4:30 PM on Tuesday, July 21st, 2020.
DIAL IN #:312-626-6799
MEETING ID: 848 0447 2149
Roll Call:
Approval of Consent Agenda: June 16th Commission Meeting minutes; General Fund and Water Fund disbursements for June 2020
Public Comment:
Mayor’s Report:
Resolution 05-2020: Rescheduling September 2020 Meeting
MAP Meeting
Attorney’s Report:
Commissioner Reports:
Building and Zoning, Commissioner Markley
Carmela PUD
Darby Land Use
Parks and Recreation, Commissioner Bassinger
Gardening 365
Streets, Commissioner Schrader
Waterworks, Commissioner Stallworth
Clerk’s Report:
Curley Street Water Lines
Unfinished Business:
Laurel Court Drainage
New Business:
Organizational Meeting
Ordinance 03-2020: San Antonio Citizens Federal Credit Union PUD (1st Reading)
Additional Commissioner Comments:
Announcements: Blood Drive – Thursday, 7/23