City Commission Meeting - September 19 at 7:30 PM
The regular meeting of the City Commission will be held at City Hall on Wednesday, September 19th, 7:30 pm. Please plan on attending.
Opening Ceremonies
Approval of consent agenda – August Commission Meeting Minutes; SR 52 Improvement Meeting Minutes; General Fund and Water Fund disbursements for August 2018.
Public Comment:
Mayor’s Report:
Attorney’s Report:
Ordinance 07-2018: Special Events
Summerfield Utility Agreement
Resolution 13-2018: Public Records Policy
Engineer Scoring Sheets
Commissioner Reports:
Building and Zoning, Commissioner Markley
Ordinance 08-2018: New Construction Drainage Requirements
Parks and Recreation, Commissioner Bassinger
Dog Park
Eddie Herrmann Historial Marker
Streets, Commissioner Schrader
Jesse Jones Trees
Waterworks, Commissioner Stallworth
Tap In Fees
Fire Hydrant
Aged Balances
Clerk’s Report:
Arbor Day
Railroad Environmental Assessment
Disaster Response Interlocal Agreement
Unfinished Business:
New Business:
Additional Commissioner Comment
SR 52 Funding Meeting - September 25th at 9:00 AM