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City Commission Meeting Tuesday, August 16th at 7:30 pm


Opening Ceremonies

1. Approval of consent agenda: July Commission Meeting; General Fund and Water fund disbursements for July 2016.

2. Mayor’s report:

A. Susan Kessel, presentation: Connected Corridor

B. Firehouse Fact Finding Committee report

3. Attorney’s report:

4. Commissioner Reports:

A. Building and zoning, Commissioner Thornberry

B. Parks and recreation, Commissioner Bassinger

C. Streets, Commissioner Anderson:

Street / drainage Improvements, Oak St., Magnolia St., and Rhode Island

D. Waterworks, Commissioner Stallworth

5. Clerk’s Report:

6. Unfinished business:

7. New business:

Resolution 03-2016, rescheduling the September commission meeting for Wednesday, September 21, 2016 to avoid conflicting with county and school budget meetings

8. Additional Commissioner Comment:

9. Public Comment:

10. Announcements:

A. Budget workshop, August 24th 7:30pm

B. Tentative Budget Hearing, September 7th 7:00pm, Final Budget Hearing, September 21st 7:00pm

C. Volunteers needed for Veteran’s Day event, recognizing the 50th Commemoration of the Vietnam War and all veterans and their families


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